SNAKES - Sigma Nu Fraternity

Sigma Nu Fraternity – Delta Xi Chapter
On October 15, 2016 the Sigma Nu Fraternity held a chapter event, the ‘Big Brother Reveal’.
This was their TRADITION. Karsten ‘Ming’ Chung, the President of Sigma Nu stated that he went through this same event five years earlier.
It was ‘Tradition that the Big Brother buys a bottle for the Little Brother’. Thirty active members of Sigma Nu Fraternity – Delta Xi Chapter provided 30 bottles of hard alcohol to pledges. Alumni were present and participated.
One pledge stated, ‘You’re supposed to finish the bottle. That was the goal.’ Some pledges stated that when no one was looking they poured alcohol out of their bottle to avoid drinking it all. Pledges stated that they were so inebriated that they vomited and many were still intoxicated the next morning.
The result of this foolish tradition and Action of Idiots was the death of an 18 year old pledge.
On December 19, 2016, the University of Nevada, Reno issued their “Notice of Findings” and banned Sigma Nu Fraternity for 15 years. Among the violations cited by the University:
Conduct that endangers health or safety.
Use and distribution of alcohol to underage students.
Use and distribution of marijuana.
The Sigma Nu Chapter did not willingly accept the University’s suspension. They appealed it.
Just before the appeal was heard, the Sigma Nu Fraternity (Nationals) revoked the charter of the Chapter. The January 9, 2017 letter from Brad Beacham, Executive Director of Sigma Nu Fraternity (Nationals) to the ‘Commander’ of Sigma Nu Fraternity – Delta Xi Chapter explained the reasons for the decision to revoke their charter, including:
“alcohol and hazing related violations”.
Beacham then instructed them to transfer chapter financial assets to Delta Xi alumni leaders. Beacham even copied “Delta Xi Alumni Leaders” in his letter.
After learning that UNRPD failed to bring any criminal charges and realizing that the University was not going to expel any of those responsible, the family filed a civil suit. Among the defendants: Sigma Nu Fraternity – Delta Xi Chapter.
Law Firm, Archer Norris, who represents Sigma Nu Fraternity – Delta Xi Chapter and apparently their insurance company, Landmark Insurance, attempted to avoid the lawsuit by claiming that the Chapter should not be sued because they no longer exist!
They were certainly in existence when their actions led to the death of another human being.
In fact, Ryan’s death is the reason they were shut down!
Brad Beacham, Executive Director of Sigma Nu Fraternity contacted the family to “convey our deepest sympathies and condolences on the passing of your son Ryan.” And claimed that, “We continue to pray for your comfort during this difficult time”.
Brad Beacham, Executive Director of Sigma Nu Fraternity later informed the Sigma Nu Fraternity – Delta Xi Chapter that their charter was being revoked due to “alcohol and hazing related violations”.
The very same Brad Beacham later signed an affidavit on behalf of the very same disgraced fraternity Chapter supporting their attempt to avoid being sued!
Ironically, Sigma Nu claims their motto to be: “LHT” ‘Love Honor Truth’. The fraternity members that we met lied about the events leading to the death of our son. They stonewalled the University's investigation and initially refused to be formally interviewed by UNRPD.
The first active fraternity member did not attend an interview with UNRPD until 16 days after the incident. The Big Brother and the Chapter President were not formally interviewed by police until 23 days after the incident.
The Pledge Marshall Kyle Sharp waited 38 days before being interviewed by UNRPD.
Innocent people don't run and hide.
Based on the actions of Sigma Nu Fraternity – Delta Xi Chapter, it is clear to us that, “LHT” more accurately stands for: “Lie, Hide and Try not to get caught”.